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Five animals from the RSPCA in Dorset are in search of permanent homes

Could you adopt one of these pets in the Dorset area? <i>(Image: RSPCA)</i>

Could you adopt one of these pets in the Dorset area? (Image: RSPCA)

A number of pets in Dorset are looking for their forever homes, including at the Ashley Heath Animal Centre.

Located on the border with Hampshire, the centre offers care for its animals in rural surroundings.

A few animals from the centre are listed below but more can be found on the centre's website.

To help the Ashley Heath Animal Centre carry on their work you can donate to their website here.


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Bournemouth Echo: Scooby

Bournemouth Echo: Scooby

Scooby (Image: RSPCA)

Gender - Male

Age - Five years old

Breed - Lurcher crossbreed

Colour - White/Tan

If you want to adopt Scooby you can view their full profile here.

Scooby came into the care of the RSPCA after his welfare needs were not being met, so he is now looking for a new home.

As he may have not spent a lot of time in a conventional home he will need patient adopters who are happy to show him the ropes and help him with housetraining.

Scooby would need a home with a secure garden, free from cats and other small animals as typical to the breed he does have a prey drive.

He is described as "a friendly chap" though and gets on well with most dogs at the centre.


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Bournemouth Echo: Loki

Bournemouth Echo: Loki

Loki (Image: RSPCA)

Gender - Male

Age - Six years old

Breed - Domestic Shorthair crossbreed

Colour - White and Black

If you want to adopt Loki you can view their full profile here.

Loki came into the care of the RSPCA after he was found living in cramped conditions with too many cats.

Ashley Heath reckons he may get used to living with a friendly cat given the time and space to settle, but no dogs.

It has been noticed that Loki gets very worried when hearing dogs at the centre, so preferably would go to a home with no neighbouring dogs.

Additionally, he is not to be rehomed within five miles of Keinton Mandeville (TA11).

Pee-Wee Sherman

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Bournemouth Echo: Pee-Wee Sherman

Bournemouth Echo: Pee-Wee Sherman

Pee-Wee Sherman (Image: RSPCA)

Gender - Male

Age - Three to six months old

Breed - Domestic Shorthair crossbreed

Colour - Black

If you want to adopt Pee-Wee Sherman you can view their full profile here.

Little Pee-Wee Sherman was found on his own by the RSPCA, too young to be away from his mum.

He has since been cared for in a foster home and is ready to find a permanent new family.

Pee-Wee is described as being "playful" and "full of energy" as he loves to charge around.

He will require somebody around for most of the day for company and to help with socialising as he grows.

As he is a kitten the RSPCA thinks he could get used to another cat or dog given the time and space to settle.

Clover and Orchid

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Bournemouth Echo: Clover and Orchid

Bournemouth Echo: Clover and Orchid

Clover and Orchid (Image: RSPCA)

Gender - Male (Clover) and Female (Orchid)

Age - Three to six months old

Breed - Lionhead (Clover) and Domestic (Orchid)

Colour - Brown/White (Clover) and Grey/White (Orchid)

If you want to adopt Clover and Orchid you can view their full profile here.

Clover and Orchid are looking for a home together after being found in a multi-rabbit household.

The "inquisitive pair" are described as enjoying exploring and foraging, and are quite confident around people.

Due to being a lionhead, Clover will need regular brushing to ensure he does not get tangled or matted.


Article information

Author: Aaron Kennedy

Last Updated: 1702608361

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Author information

Name: Aaron Kennedy

Birthday: 1987-11-02

Address: 36846 Ernest Knolls Suite 585, New Christopher, DE 33834

Phone: +3590283673851648

Job: Article Writer

Hobby: Orienteering, Chocolate Making, DIY Electronics, Robotics, Playing Chess, Juggling, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Aaron Kennedy, I am a spirited, resolute, priceless, radiant, accessible, unyielding, Determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.