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Would You Try The Newest Strange Food Combination On Twitter, Coconut Egg?

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    Coconut Egg Is The Latest Bizarre Food Combo On Twitter, Would You Try It?

    The foodie community wasn't impressed with the experiment.Image Credit: X/@VisitUdupi

    Coconut water is widely regarded as one of the best natural beverages. On a scorching sunny day, sipping this refreshing drink straight from a green coconut is a favourite pastime. Beyond its delightful taste, coconut water offers a multitude of health benefits. However, in today's world of unconventional food experiments, where audacious combinations like Fanta Maggi and chocolate samosas have made waves, even the humble coconut water hasn't been spared. In a video posted on X (formerly Twitter), a daring culinary creation emerged, mixing eggs with coconut water. After watching the video, the foodie community didn't hesitate to share their unfiltered opinions.
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    In the video, a man can be observed removing a piping hot coconut from the furnace. Once retrieved, he uses a knife to separate the outer covering. After the covering is removed, a cut is made at the top, revealing the boiling coconut water inside the fruit. Then, he proceeds to crack an egg, allowing the egg white to gently flow into the coconut. Following that, the yolk is added, and the contents are thoroughly mixed using a fork. Lastly, the coconut is packed in black polythene. The text attached to the video humorously states, "Indian food bloggers should not see this." Take a look:

    Indian food bloggers should not see this ???? ???? pic.twitter.com/UF2n4WyTdm— Visit Udupi (@VisitUdupi) November 5, 2023

    Here is what people said after watching this bizarre combination: A user wrote, “This is atrocious. A natural food is being spoiled. Even if idli batter is added to it, my reaction would be the same.”

    This is atrocious. A natural food is being spoiled. Even if idly batter is added into it, my rxn is same.— meenakshi (@meenavyas50) November 5, 2023

    Another user asked, “What is this nonsense?”

    What is this nonsense? ????— janhaviiii (@helloworld_jn) November 5, 2023

    “This is a criminal offence,” penned a person.

    This is criminal offence ????????— Meera Kumar Iyer ???????? (@meerakumar05) November 5, 2023

    Someone said, “Experiments of these kinds will spoil the originality of the coconut.”
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    This is nuts. Experiments of these kinds will spoil the originality of the coconut.— Prashanth Vemuganti (@prashanthpsi) November 5, 2023

    What are your views about this food experiment? Let us know your opinion in the comment section below.


    Article information

    Author: Lauren Freeman

    Last Updated: 1702970041

    Views: 842

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    Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Lauren Freeman

    Birthday: 1925-04-28

    Address: 05169 Gallagher Junction Suite 622, West Rebeccastad, SC 57181

    Phone: +4554058397175051

    Job: Teacher

    Hobby: Dancing, Calligraphy, Puzzle Solving, Telescope Building, Knitting, Geocaching, Wildlife Photography

    Introduction: My name is Lauren Freeman, I am a Adventurous, accessible, important, unreserved, exquisite, venturesome, intrepid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.